Title says it all. It was pretty bad today, tomorrow will be much worse. Ohh, and I get to go to a horse show and nanny my trainer's Irish horses. In the sun.
I've been stuck without my *own* car for a while now. I've actually had to drive around my mom's conversion camper van. It gets 6 gas stations per mile and on the highway it sways like a galleon on the high seas. It's quite ridiculous to drive this thing around every day! Today I abandoned all remaining pride and plugged her into the barn's power supply and turned on the big AC unit. On HIGH. If I got too hot, I just plopped my behind down in the van and read The Chronicle of the Horse for a bit. Won't have that luxury at Monmouth tomorrow!
No pix of the Irish horses yet, I've only seen them in person once since they got out of quarantine. So here's Kim on Casey (Atlantis) instead. Casey was Zone 2 Champion for 2009 in the Second Year Green Working Hunters. I've told his owners that if he ever goes missing they should just look in my barn first.